
This links in the list of debates published in Connotations will take you to an entrance page for each debate on which all the contributions in the respective debate are listed and linked. The debates below are listed in chronological order of the primary text they deal with.

‘Vancouver Walking’: Contemporary Canadian Urban Poetry

"Homonyms before and after Lexical Standardization"

"New Alchimie": Reading John Donne's "Nocturnall" Through Poems by Kimberly Johnson and Alice Fulton

"Single Nature's Double Name": Some Comments on The Phoenix and Turtle

"The Road Not Taken" in Hemingway's "The Snows of Kilimanjaro"

"The road to happiness": Jane Austen's Mansfield Park

(Re-)Telling Aesopic fables in the 21st century

(Un-)Surprise in Alice

A Sentimental Journey: Lost in Translation

Colin Clout's Homecoming: The Imaginative Travels of Edmund Spenser

De Doctrina Christiana and Milton

Dracula and the Idea of Europe

If and It in Shakespeare

Lolita's Sources

Macbeth and Problems of Identity

Marcus Tullius Cicero

Piers Plowman

Silas Marner as Quasi-religious Text

The Faerie Queene as Satirical Intertext

The Family Reunion: Eliot, James, and the Buried Life

The Secret Garden and Wuthering Heights

The Tempest in the Trivium

Titus Andronicus in the Early Eighteenth Century

A Bakhtinian Take on Conversational Modes in Poetry

A Good Natured Warning: Herman Melville's 'Benito Cereno'

A Reading of George Herbert's "Heaven"

A Visitation of Kipling's Daemon?

A. S. Byatt's Angels and Insects

Adaptations and the Initiating Text

Advertising and Vindicating Eighteenth-Century Novels

Agency in Vaughan's Sacred Poetry

Alan Bennett's The Madness of King George III

Alfred Tennyson's "Crossing the Bar"

Ambiguity and Ethics in Geoffrey Hill's Mercian Hymns

Ambiguity and the Poets

An Introduction to Metagenre

Textual and Other Reasons for Canonicity

Anne Fine, Goggle-Eyes

Anthologizing Shakespeare‘s Sonnets

Anthony Burgess's Shakespeare and "fin de siècle" Conceptions of Genius

Arthur Golding's Translation of Ovid

Arthur Kopit's The Hero in Context

Artistic Rivalry Over Classes and Countries

Artists as Parents

Assessments of the Urban Experience: Toni Morrison's Jazz and T. S. Eliot's The Waste Land

Ben Jonson's Dramaturgy of Procreation

Between Shakespeare, Milton and Wordsworth

Blending Genres in Sidney's Arcadia

Byron's Procreative Poetry

C. S. Lewis's Complex Relationship with Queer Milton Studies

Carnival and the Grotesque in Ben Jonson's Plays

Catholic Shakespeare?

Character Names in The Winter's Tale

Charles Talbut Onions and the Oxford English Dictionary

Charlotte Smith's Elegiac Sonnets, Nature and the Sublime

Chasing Possibilities in "The Jolly Corner"

Chinese Diaspora Writing

Christmas as Humbug: A Manuscript Poem by Letitia Elizabeth Landon ('L. E. L.')

Christopher Marlowe's Edward II

Class, Race, and Sexuality in John Gray's Park

Clones, Doubles and What’s in Between

Close Reading Donne

Competing Discourses in The Winter's Tale

Concepts of Honor in Shakespeare

Conrad, Capitalism and Decay

Contemporary Perspectives on Verse Drama

Conversation and the Poetics of Modernism

Conversation in Celan's Poetry

Criminality and Detection in Eric Ambler's The Siege of the Villa Lipp

Crucifixion Imagery in Paradise Lost

Daniel Defoe's A Journal of the Plague Year

Decadence and Renewal in Dickens's Our Mutual Friend

Defoe and "The Other"

Dickens and Colour

Dickens and the Comic Extraneous

Dickens' A Christmas Carol: Revisiting and Reformation

Discourse in Pinter

Disenfranchisement and Diegesis in David Goodis

Doctor Faustus and His Books

Don Juan Between the Cultures: Derek Walcott and Tirso de Molina

Donald Barthelme as Disgruntled Liberal

Donne's Anniversaries: Matter and Spirit, Body and Soul, Time and Eternity

Donne's Sermons as Re-enactments of the Word

Drama and Stage Design in the Stuart Masque

Dylan Thomas: Place, Voice, Rebirth

E. K., A Spenserian Lesson in Reading

Edward Taylor's Poetry

Edwin Muir's Chorus of the Newly Dead and its Analogues

Ekphrastic Poetry and the Black Atlantic

Elegance and Poetic Economy

Elizabeth Bishop: Language, Gender, Class

Elizabeth Bishop's 'The Prodigal'

Elizabethan Drama and the Seasons

Ellipsis in “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock”

Emerson and Milton

Empirical Readings of Hemingway's "Hills Like White Elephants"

Evelyn Waugh's Edmund Campion

Evelyn Waugh's Humanism in A Handful of Dust

Falconbridge in Shakespeare's King John

Faulkner and Race

Faulkner and Racial Mythology

Faulkner and Racism

Faulkner and the Problematics of Procreation

Formal Limitations in Golden Age Villanelles

From Poetry to the Novel

Gary Snyder's Sense of Place

Geoffrey Chaucer's The House of Fame

Geoffrey Household's Thrillers

George Herbert and Nature

George Orwell's Style and his Politics

Gerald Manley Hopkins Revisiting Binsey

Ghosts and Resurrections in Hardy, Joyce and Beyond

Grotesque Mythology: Faulkner's The Hamlet

Harriet Beecher Stowe and the Concept of Divine Womanhood

Hawthorne and Poetic Economy

Henry James's The Jolly Corner

Henry James's Turn of the Screw as Tragedy

Henry Vaughan's "Isaac's Marriage"

Herman Melville and Christian Grabbe: A Source for "The Godhead is Broken"

Herman Melville and Cosmopolitanism

Historical Fetters and Creative Liberation in Shakespeare

Homosexuality in John Milton's Paradise Lost

Hopkins and Home

Hopkins's Portraits of the Artist

How to Have a Conversation with Gertrude Stein

Identity Politics in Caryl Churchill and Timberlake Wertenbaker's Plays

Image and Imagism

Interdisciplinary Environmental Humanities

Jacqueline Vaught Brogan's "Notes from the Body"

Jane Austen: Mansfield Park

Jane Hirshfield and Modernism

Joe Orton's Laodicean Tragedy: The Good and Faithful Servant

John Dryden's Concept of Poetry and Imitation

John Lanchester's The Debt to Pleasure: An Aesthetics of Textual Surprise

John Lyly and the Most Misread Speech in Shakespeare

John Lyly's Poetic Economy

John Marston's The Malcontent

Joyce Carol Oates and Thomas Mann

Joyce Carol Oates's "By the River"

Kazuo Ishiguro and Tom Stoppard

Lancelot Gobbo in The Merchant of Venice

Len Deighton’s Political Skepticism in The Ipcress File

Lindsey Collen's The Rape of Sita

Literary Allusions and Poetic Economy

Literature and Cliché

Literature and Mnemology

Lost and Found: Textual and Intertextual Retrieval in Dante Gabriel Rossetti’s Exhumation Letters and the ‘Willowwood‘ Sonnets

Louis MacNeice's Autumn Journal

Love, not-love and “amor Dei” in George Herbert’s “Affliction (I)”

Maria's Riddle in Twelfth Night

Marx’s scholia: Annotations Involving Classical and Renaissance Texts in Capital

Mary Butts and the Return of the Nativist

Maxine Hong Kingston's Tripmaster Monkey

Medieval Visions of the Other World

Medievalist Perspectives on Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice

Melville's Pierre

Meta-Epic Reflection in Twenty-First-Century Rewritings of Homer, or: The Meta-Epic Novel

Metafictional Discourse in Early American Literature

Miles Franklin's My Career Goes Bung

Milton and the Restoration

Milton's Astronomy

Mnemonics and Renaissance Literature

Motives for Rhetoric and Action in Troilus and Cressida

Mourning Place in Pastoral Elegy

Music and Literature in Conversation

Music as Textual Principle in Toni Morrison's Jazz

Myth and Language - Mythos and Logos in Emily Dickinson

Myth in The Soft Machine of W. S. Burroughs

Myth in the Contemporary American Theatre

Naming und Unnaming in Spenser

Narrative Techniques and the Fragmented Hero in Mary Shelley and Théophile Gautier

New Intertexts for David Dabydeen’s “Turner”


Old England and Shakespeare's Nostalgia

On English-Canadian Literary Criticism

On the Reception of Poetry

On Writing in Second Person

Oppositions in Thomas Heywood's The English Traveller

P. G. Wodehouse and Arthurian Legend

Paradise Remembered in Poems and Paintings

Parodies of Six-Word Stories: A Comic Literary Metagenre

Parody as Cultural Memory in Richard Powers's Galatea 2.2

Parody—and Self-Parody in David Mamet

Parody, Paradox and Play in The Importance of Being Earnest

Parody, Satire and Sympathy in Don Quixote and Gulliver's Travels

Paronomasia from Sidney to Herbert

Paronomasia in the Poems of Wallace Stevens and Elizabeth Bishop

Paterson, Plath and Dante

Patrick Hamilton's The Slaves of Solitude

Patterns of Antonomasia in Shakespeare

Pauline Smith's Short Stories

Perspective, Vision and Memory: Mountain-Climbing in Literature

Perversions and Reversals of Childhood and Old Age in J. M. Coetzee's Age of Iron

Peter Ackroyd's English Music

Peter Martyr and his Translator Richard Eden - Reading Culture in Translation

Philip Roth, Authorship and Death

Poe-tic Economy

Poe's Detective Dupin as Mythological Figure

Poetic (In-)Justice and the Law

Poetic Economy in English Haiku

Poetic Economy: Redundancy and Ellipsis

Poetic form and function in George Herbert's "Deniall" and Henry Vaughan's "Disorder and frailty"

Poetic Insertions in The Lord of the Rings

Poetic Justice

Poetics and Conversation

Poetry and Poeticity in Joyce, Baudelaire and Amichai

Poetry in Daniel Deronda

Poetry in Fiction

Poetry in Kipling's Short Fiction

Poetry in Poe

Polygeneric Narration in Atwood's Penelopiad

Pope's Ombre Enigmas in The Rape of the Lock

Possible Stories in Wilkie Collins's The Woman in White

Post-WWII Japanese-American Narrative: David Mura

Poverty Studies and Contemporary Indian Literature

Procreation, Communication and Incarnation in Sidney and Wordsworth

On Puzzling Shakespeare

Pynchon Takes the Fork in the Road

Quixotic Exceptionalism: Gulliver's Travels and Don Quixote de la Mancha

Re-Evaluating Alan Bennett

Re-Reading M.M. Mahood's Shakespeare's Wordplay

Re-Reading Mark Twain - Tom Sawyer and the American Myth of a Republic

Reading Yang Mu's The Skeptic

Reason in English Renaissance Humanism: Starkey, More and Ascham

Rebuilding Africa - A Myth and its Rewriting

Recent Responses to Shakespeare's Non-Dramatic Verse

Religion in King John

Religious Literary Style in Milton's Paradise Lost

Renegotiating Scottish Identity in the Pilgrim Narrative of William Lithgow

Restoration She-Tragedy: Thomas Otway's Venice Preserved

Resurrection as Blasphemy

Revisitings and Repetitions in Beckett's Later Works

Richard McCoy's The Rites of Knighthood

Richard Savage's The Wanderer: A Vision

Riddles of Procreation

Robert Frost's Conversational Style

Robert Lowell's "Skunk Hour"

Sandra Billington's Mock Kings in Medieval Society and Renaissance Drama

Self-Imposed Fetters: The Productivity of Formal and Thematic Restrictions

Sensory Perception and Literary Images in Edgar Allan Poe

Shakespeare and New Historicism

Shakespeare's Timon of Athens in Nabokov's Pale Fire

Shakespeare's Titus Andronicus in an Irish Context

Shakespeare's Falstaff as Parody

Shakespeare's Lost Code: Tracing Mythology in Hamlet

Shakespeare's Ovid and Arthur Golding

Shakespeare's Scruple of Gold

Shakespearean Tragedy: Its Christian Premises

Spenser and Ireland

Spenser as Prometheus: The Monstrous and the Idea of Poetic Creation

Spenser's Parody

Staging Dissent in A Midsummer Night's Dream

Sujata Bhatt's "The Hole in the Wind"

Surprises in Fitzgerald's Tender is the Night

T.H. White's The Once And Future King

Tennyson’s “Tithonus” and the Revision of Wordsworth’s “Tintern Abbey”

Textual, Contextual and Critical Surprises in "Désirée's Baby"

The American Adam in Mailer and Didion

The American Carnival of The Great Gatsby

The Arthurian Legend in Graham Swift's Last Orders

The Author's Name as an Object of Paronomasia

The Character of Lucius in Shakespeare's Titus Andronicus

The Conversationalists and Literature

The Country House Poem Revisited

The Economy of Literary Interpretation

The End of Editing Shakespeare

The Essays of Storm Janeson

The Ethics of Otherness in Ian McEwan's Saturday

The Ghost Visitations of Lew Welch and the Art of Zen Failure

The Historical Context of John Ford's Plays

The Inhuman Non-Human in Michel Faber’s Under the Skin

The Last Moments of Hamlet

The Loss of the Artist's Agency

The Mysterious Genesis of Paradise Lost

The Myth of the Self in Whitman and Traherne

The Narrator of Conrad's Under Western Eyes

The Opening of All's Well That Ends Well

The Origins of the English Laureate Micro-Epic

The Pivotal Position of Henry V in the Rise and Fall of Shakespeare's Prose

The Place Revisited in T. S. Eliot

The Poetics of Alice Oswald's Memorial

The Poetics of Conversation in Virginia Woolf's A Room of One's Own

The Politics and Poetics of Robert Lowell

The Politics of Mucedorus

The Re-representation of African Identity in Kojo B. Laing's Fiction

The Reader in Fielding

The Reception History of C. S. Lewis's "A Preface to Paradise Lost"

The Republican Imagination in Eighteenth-Century America

The Return of the Dead in Margaret Atwood's Fiction

The Search for F. P. Greve/Grove

The Search for the Holy Grail

The Sepulchral City Revisited: Joseph Conrad, Heart of Darkness

The Theological Background of Twelfth Night 4.2

The Titles of George Herbert's Poems

The Unworthy Servant in Milton's Sonnet 19

The Vertue of Spectacle in Shakespeare's Titus Andronicus

The Woman Taken in Adultery: A Literary Perspective on Christ’s Writing in John 8:1-12

Thomas Hardy, D. H. Lawrence and Persephone

Thomas Heywood's A Woman Killed with Kindness

Timberlake Wertenbaker's New Anatomies

Tom Phillips’s A Humument (1966-)

Tom Stoppard's Arcadia

Toothpicks in Literature

Tragedy and Trauerspiel: John Webster's The Duchess of Malfi

Trauma, Writing and Simulated Orality in Toni Morrison's Beloved

Tropes of Falling, Rising, Standing in Robert Lowell's Lord Weary's Castle

Understanding (through) Annotations

Unscrambling Surprises in Faulkner's Stories

Verse Satire: Its Form, Genre and Mode

Vladimir Nabokov and the Surprise of Poetry

W. B. Yeats's "A Prayer for My Daughter"

Walcott's Concept of Mythic History

Wallace Stevens and Mesoamerican Mythology

Was The Raigne of King Edward III a Compliment to Lord Hunsdon?

Wharton's Hudson River Bracketed and Coleridge's "Kubla Khan"

What is the Dream in Midsummer Night's Dream?

Who was the Rival Poet of Shakespeare's Sonnet 86?

Wilfred Owen's "Strange Meeting"

Willi Erzgräber's Studies in Modernism

William Dean Howells's The Rise of Silas Lapham

William Godwin's Political Justice v. His Memoirs of Mary Wollstonecraft

William Harmon's "1943"

Wodehouse and the Baroque

Wodehouse Linguist?

Wodehouse Parodist

Wordplay in William Carlos Williams's Poetry

Wordsworth's "Tintern Abbey"

Wordsworth's social critique and "The Baker's Cart"

Yeats and Indian Philosophy

Youth, Race and Nation in Colin MacInnes's Novels

Revisiting Halberstadt