The Dickens Quarterly is looking for a new editor

Our colleagues from Dickens Quarterly (the official scholarly publication of the Dickens Society since 1970) are looking for a new editor to succeed David Paroissien. In their “Call for Expressions of Interest” they write:

Suitable candidates for the editorship of Dickens Quarterly will have a distinguished record of scholarship in Dickens studies, will reflect a vibrant commitment to both the journal and the society, and will present an ambitious vision for the Dickens Quarterly – one that maintains the journal’s tradition of critical excellence while also working innovatively to engage younger scholars and adapt to the changing research environment. Candidates should be willing to network extensively and operate effectively on both sides of the Atlantic. Since the position is not financially supported by the journal or the society, institutional support for travel, as well as a professional schedule that can accommodate the editor’s responsibilities, will also be perceived as assets.

If you are interested, you can find the details at the Dickens Society site.