Archives: Articles

David V. Urban – The Homosexual Temptation of the Son in Milton’s Paradise Regained: A Reply to John T. Shawcross and Claude J. Summers

The Homosexual Temptation of the Son in Milton’s Paradise Regained: A Reply to John T. Shawcross and Claude J. Summers David V. Urban Published in Connotations Vol. 21.2-3 (2011/12) In “Milton’s Paradise Regain’d and the Second Temptation,” John T. Shawcross engages Claude J. Summers’s discussion of the “homosexual implications” of […]

Judith Saunders – Literary Allusions and Poetic Economy: Billy Collins’s “Albany” and William Wordsworth’s “I wandered lonely as a cloud”

Literary Allusions and Poetic Economy: Billy Collins’s “Albany” and William Wordsworth’s “I wandered lonely as a cloud Judith Saunders Published in Connotations Vol. 21.2-3 (2011/12) A versatile and variform literary device, allusion serves a wide range of purposes in imaginative writing. As part of his 2007 historical analysis of allusion […]

Tammy Amiel-Houser – The Ethics of Otherness in Ian McEwan’s Saturday

The Ethics of Otherness in Ian McEwan’s Saturday Tammy Amiel-Houser Published in Connotations Vol. 21.1 (2011/12) Since the 1980s, Ian McEwan’s literary oeuvre has displayed a growing concern with the relation between literature and ethics, becoming progressively more involved with public and historical issues, and turning attention to the moral […]

Jane Hirshfield – Modernist Elements in Jane Hirshfield’s Voice and Zen Meditation: A Letter in Response to Ling Chung

Modernist Elements in Jane Hirshfield’s Voice and Zen Meditation: A Letter in Response to Ling Chung Jane Hirshfield Published in Connotations Vol. 21.1 (2011/12) Dear Ling Chung, I am deeply moved by the profound attentiveness you have brought to my poems’ words, and to my practice understanding, in your essay. […]