Archives: Articles

Adrian Grafe – Hopkins and Home

Hopkins and Home32) Adrian Grafe Published in Connotations Vol. 21.1 (2011/12) I remember a house where all were good To me, God knows, deserving no such thing: Comforting smell breathed at very entering, Fetched fresh, as I suppose, off some sweet wood.33) In the sonnet “In the Valley of the […]

Oliver R. Baker – Close Reading vs. Accretions of Dubious Scholarship: A Question of Competence. A Response to Kathryn Walls

Close Reading vs. Accretions of Dubious Scholarship: A Question of Competence. A Response to Kathryn Walls Oliver R. Baker Published in Connotations Vol. 21.1 (2011/12) Three years before Alexander Pope published the five canto version of his mock−epic verse satire, these two couplets appeared in his major work, An Essay […]

Oliver R. Baker – Card and Courtship Plays at Hampton Court Palace: The Rape of the Lock and the Origins of Game Theory. A Response to Sean R. Silver

Card and Courtship Plays at Hampton Court Palace: The Rape of the Lock and the Origins of Game Theory. A Response to Sean R. Silver Oliver R. Baker Published in Connotations Vol. 21.1 (2011/12) My response to Sean R. Silver’s article begins with a digression.68) One of the great card−game […]