Archives: Articles

Rochelle Rives – “No Real Men”: Mary Butts’s Socio-Sexual Politics: A Response to Andrew Radford

“No Real Men”: Mary Butts’s Socio-Sexual Politics: A Response to Andrew Radford Rochelle Rives Published in Connotations Vol. 18.1-3 (2008/09) Abstract In her response to Andrew Radford’s “Excavating a Secret History: Mary Butts and the Return of the Nativist” (published in Connotations 17.1), Rochelle Rives seeks to extend Radford’s discussion […]

Eleanor Cook – Ambiguity and the Poets

Ambiguity and the Poets Eleanor Cook Published in Connotations Vol. 18.1-3 (2008/09) Abstract Any fictive construct, whether in prose or poetry, will exploit the richness of diction, syntax, genre, address, and so on, including possible ambiguities. It is the particular context that gives literary meaning, just as it is the […]

Angelika Zirker – (Un)Surprises Uncovered: A Reply to Jennifer Geer, Jean-Jacques Lecercle, and Michael Mendelson

(Un)Surprises Uncovered: A Reply to Jennifer Geer, Jean-Jacques Lecercle, and Michael Mendelson Angelika Zirker Published in Connotations Vol. 18.1-3 (2008/09) Abstract In her answer to the responses on her article “Alice was not surprised”: (Un)Surprises in Lewis Carroll’s Alice-Books,” Angelika Zirker emphasizes the concept(s) of play that underlie the structure of […]

H. M. Daleski – Dickens and the Comic Extraneous

Dickens and the Comic Extraneous H. M. Daleski Published in Connotations Vol. 18.1-3 (2008/09) Abstract What constitutes the extraneous in fiction, let alone the comic extraneous? When Dickens is at issue, it is probably simpler to describe the comic first: he has accustomed us to the recurrent appearance in a […]

Robert E. Kohn – Pynchon Takes the Fork in the Road

Pynchon Takes the Fork in the Road84) Robert E. Kohn Published in Connotations Vol. 18.1-3 (2008/09) Abstract The article interprets the two roads simultaneously taken in Against the Day as the two antithetical approaches to writing identified by Peter J. Rabinowitz (in Authorizing Readers). In the first of these, an […]

Edward Lobb – The Family Reunion: Eliot, James, and the Buried Life

The Family Reunion: Eliot, James, and the Buried Life Edward Lobb Published in Connotations Vol. 18.1-3 (2008/09) Abstract Edward Lobb argues that The Family Reunion illustrates Eliot’s preoccupation with “the road not taken.” In returning to his childhood home, Harry Monchensey is forced to confront the reality of his childhood […]