Archives: Articles

Philipp Erchinger – Secrets Not Revealed: Possible Stories in Wilkie Collins’s The Woman in White

Secrets Not Revealed: Possible Stories in Wilkie Collins’s The Woman in White1) Philipp Erchinger Published in Connotations Vol. 18.1-3 (2008/09) Abstract Right from the start of Wilkie Collins’ The Woman in White, the novel’s fictional editor Walter Hartright introduces the “Law” as an operative framework for the whole text, a […]

Annegret Maack – Maintaining Plurality: A Response to Susan Ang

Maintaining Plurality: A Response to Susan Ang Annegret Maack Published in Connotations Vol. 17.2-3 (2007/08) Ang’s complex and comprehensive interpretation of Ackroyd’s English Music takes as its starting point the year 1922 when Timothy as a boy assisted in his father’s public performances. She interprets this as a reference to […]

Jean-Jacques Lecercle – Response to “Alice was not surprised”

Response to “Alice was not surprised” Jean-Jacques Lecercle Published in Connotations Vol. 17.2-3 (2007/08) I entirely agree with the opening and closing remarks of Angelika Zirker’s article: “Alice often is not surprised although things happen that might be regarded as ‘unexpected'” (19) and “[i]n Alice, Carroll shows that being surprised […]

Richard F. Hardin – Emerson and Milton: Allusion and Theodicy

Emerson and Milton: Allusion and Theodicy Richard F. Hardin Published in Connotations Vol. 17.2-3 (2007/08) In Frances M. Malpezzi’s explication, richly evocative of Milton’s presence in Emerson’s poem, I acquired a new appreciation of the American poet. As a newcomer to “Uriel,” but a veteran Milton reader, I found the […]

Claire Raymond – Response to Elena Anastasaki’s “The Trials and Tribulations of the revenants

Response to Elena Anastasaki’s “The Trials and Tribulations of the revenants” Claire Raymond Published in Connotations Vol. 17.2-3 (2007/08) The revenant presents an insolvable figure in discourse, disturbing boundaries, disrupting and confusing the difference between the dead and the living, even the difference between death and life. Elena Anastasaki’s engaging […]