Archives: Articles

Irene Gorak – A Response to Myrtle Hooper’s “Textual Surprise in Pauline Smith’s ‘The Sinner'”

A Response to Myrtle Hooper’s “Textual Surprise in Pauline Smith’s ‘The Sinner'” Irene Gorak Published in Connotations Vol. 17.1 (2007/08) Myrtle Hooper’s study of “The Sinner” in the 2004−2005 issue of Connotations is one of five subtle and nuanced readings she has published of Pauline Smith’s South African story collection […]

Frank J. Kearful – “Stand and live”: Tropes of Falling, Rising, Standing in Robert Lowell’s Lord Weary’s Castle

“Stand and live”: Tropes of Falling, Rising, Standing in Robert Lowell’s Lord Weary’s Castle Frank J. Kearful Published in Connotations Vol. 17.1 (2007/08) Tropes of falling, rising, and standing recur frequently in Robert Lowell’s poetry from Lord Weary’s Castle (1946), whose title−page illustration depicts Abel falling backwards in a field […]

Norbert Lennartz – The Intrusion of Old Times: Ghosts and Resurrections in Hardy, Joyce and Beyond

The Intrusion of Old Times: Ghosts and Resurrections in Hardy, Joyce and Beyond Norbert Lennartz Published in Connotations Vol. 17.1 (2007/08) I Since Positivism, ghosts and revenants have, if not entirely disappeared, at least been subjected to severe scrutiny. Notwithstanding the fascination for vampires and other creatures of Gothic horror […]

Margret Fetzer – Donne’s Sermons as Re-enactments of the Word

Donne’s Sermons as Re-enactments of the Word Margret Fetzer Published in Connotations Vol. 17.1 (2007/08) Whenever John Donne preached at Lincoln’s Inn or at St. Paul’s, he may well have been aware of that other institution which competed with him for his listeners—even on church days: the theatre. There were […]

Laura M. White – The Person from Porlock in “Kubla Khan” and Later Texts: Inspiration, Agency, and Interruption

The Person from Porlock in “Kubla Khan” and Later Texts: Inspiration, Agency, and Interruption Laura Mooneyham White Published in Connotations Vol. 16.1-3 (2006/07) Of late, literary criticism has focused on the socio−cultural agency of artistic production, writing in the material elided by the classical tradition of the Muse on the […]

Elizabeth Gruber – “Betray’d to Shame”: Venice Preserved and the Paradox of She-Tragedy

“Betray’d to Shame”: Venice Preserved and the Paradox of She-Tragedy Elizabeth Gruber Published in Connotations Vol. 16.1-3 (2006/07) Introduction: Murdering Women As is well known, when English theaters re−opened during the Restoration, women were allowed to act in them. This innovation would seem, initially, to be an unqualified boon for […]