Archives: Articles

Glenn Dayley – Beneath the Surface: Motives for Rhetoric and Action in Troilus and Cressida. A Response to Vernon Loggins et al.

Beneath the Surface: Motives for Rhetoric and Action in Troilus and Cressida. A Response to Vernon Loggins et al. Glenn Dayley Published in Connotations Vol. 11.2-3 (2001/02) In the final act of Shakespeare’s Troilus and Cressida Troilus agonizes over what to him seems actions of betrayal by Cressida. She had […]

William E. Engel – What’s New in Mnemology

What’s New in Mnemology William E. Engel Published in Connotations Vol. 11.2-3 (2001/02) And therefore Hierome prescribes Rusticus the Monk, continually to read the Scripture, and to meditate on that which he hath read; for as mastication is to meat, so is meditation on that which we read. I would […]

Clay Daniel – Milton and the Restoration: Some Reassessments

Milton and the Restoration: Some Reassessments Clay Daniel Published in Connotations Vol. 11.2-3 (2001/02) Milton during the Restoration is usually seen as a distressed poet who, reeling from cultural shock, abandons public activity, especially political activity, to withdraw “into regions of the mind”?34) My reassessment of this perspective is twofold. […]

Laury Magnus – Tragic Closure in Hamlet

Tragic Closure in Hamlet Laury Magnus Published in Connotations Vol. 11.2-3 (2001/02) “A was a man, take him for all in all: ⁄ I shall not look upon his like again” (1.2.187−88).75) Hamlet’s thoughts about his departed father may well be recalled by many in the audience upon hearing Horatio’s […]

Gabriel Egan – Gilding Loam and Painting Lilies: Shakespeare’s Scruple of Gold

Gilding Loam and Painting Lilies: Shakespeare’s Scruple of Gold Gabriel Egan Published in Connotations Vol. 11.2-3 (2001/02) Unlike his contemporaries John Lyly (Gallathea), Ben Jonson (The Alchemist), and Thomas Middleton (Anything for a Quiet Life), Shakespeare wrote no play featuring an alchemist.84) Renaissance alchemy had a practical end, the transmutation […]

Joan Fitzpatrick – Foreign Appetites and Alterity: Is there an Irish Context for Titus Andronicus?

Foreign Appetites and Alterity: Is there an Irish Context for Titus Andronicus?129) Joan Fitzpatrick Published in Connotations Vol. 11.2-3 (2001/02) This essay is concerned with foreign appetites, particularly those related to food consumption and sexual behaviour depicted as physically or morally reprehensible or strange. These appetites operate as distinct indications […]

Rodney Symington – Response to Alan Latta, “Spinell and Connie: Joyce Carol Oates Re-Imaging Thomas Mann”

Response to Alan Latta, “Spinell and Connie: Joyce Carol Oates Re-Imaging Thomas Mann” Rodney Symington Published in Connotations Vol. 11.1 (2001/02) Alan Latta argued in his essay that Joyce Carol Oates’s short story “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?” (1966) is a “re−imagining” of Thomas Mann’s novella “Tristan” […]

Christoph Lindner – Conrad, Capitalism, and Decay

Conrad, Capitalism, and Decay Christoph Lindner Published in Connotations Vol. 11.1 (2001/02) This essay examines Conrad’s vision of decay in The Secret Agent (1907) to argue that the novel expresses acute anxieties over capitalism’s decadent social and material effects. Set in the seedy underworld and grimy back−streets of London in […]