Archives: Articles

Neal R. Norrick – Poetics and Conversation

Poetics and Conversation Neal R. Norrick Published in Connotations Vol. 10.2-3 (2000/01) For many literary scholars, “The Poetics of Conversation in Twentieth−Century Literature and Criticism” includes looking for conversational features of the language in poetry, plays and fiction. One might argue that Frost or Williams writes poetry very close in […]

John Whalen-Bridge – ‘Conversation’ among Pragmatist Philosophers

‘Conversation’ among Pragmatist Philosophers John Whalen-Bridge Published in Connotations Vol. 10.2-3 (2000/01) As civilized human beings, we are the inheritors, neither of an enquiry about ourselves and the world, nor of an accumulating body of information, but of a conversation, begun in the primeval forests and made more articulate in […]

Thomas Kullmann – Conversational Echoes in Anne Fine, Goggle-Eyes (1989)

Conversational Echoes in Anne Fine, Goggle-Eyes (1989) Thomas Kullmann Published in Connotations Vol. 10.2-3 (2000/01) Elements of conversation regularly enter literary texts both as subject−matter and narrative form. In creating an awareness of the mechanisms of conversation, literature can discuss its own discursive strategies. In children’s literature this literary self−reflexion […]

Rebekka Fritz, Inge Leimberg and Nina Sandmeier – “A kind of musical conversation”: Britten and Crozier’s Let’s Make an Opera!

“A kind of musical conversation”27): Britten and Crozier’s Let’s Make an Opera! Rebekka Fritz and Inge Leimberg and Nina Sandmeier Published in Connotations Vol. 10.2-3 (2000/01) [Editorial Note: Due to copyright reasons the sheet music of the musical examples has to be omitted from the online version of the article.] […]

Rajeev S. Patke – “He do the Police in Different Voices”: A Bakhtinian Take on Conversational Modes in some Modern British Poets

“He do the Police in Different Voices”96): A Bakhtinian Take on Conversational Modes in some Modern British Poets Rajeev S. Patke Published in Connotations Vol. 10.2-3 (2000/01) “I am disappointed if a scene is carried through in the voice of the author rather than the voices of the characters.” Ivy […]

Maurice Charney – Robert Frost’s Conversational Style

Robert Frost’s Conversational Style Maurice Charney Published in Connotations Vol. 10.2-3 (2000/01) Robert Frost would seem to be the ideal poet for this year’s Connotations topic: “The Poetics of Conversation in 20th−Century Literature.” Frost has written many poems with speakers engaged in conversation like “The Death of the Hired Man” […]

Lothar Hönnighausen – Conversation and the Poetics of Modernism

Conversation and the Poetics of Modernism Lothar Hönnighausen – Conversation and the Poetics of Modernism Published in Connotations Vol. 10.2-3 (2000/01) Poetry as a literary genre encompasses many modes but conversational poetry or conversation in poetry is not what comes first to mind when one tries to define the essence […]

Cecile Sandten – Blended Identity: Culture and Language Variations in Sujata Bhatt’s “The Hole in the Wind”

Blended Identity: Culture and Language Variations in Sujata Bhatt’s “The Hole in the Wind” Cecile Sandten Published in Connotations Vol. 10.1 (2000/01) Does the blending and fusion of cultures depend on dislocation, loss of communal memories, and individual alienation? As it seems to me, Sujata Bhatt’s long prose poem “The […]