Archives: Articles

Clay Daniel – Crucifixion Imagery in Paradise Lost

Crucifixion Imagery in Paradise Lost Clay Daniel Published in Connotations Vol. 8.2 (1998/99) Milton in Paradise Lost has appeared to avoid the subject of the Crucifixion because he includes only a brief, orthodox account of the “cursed death … shameful and accurst” of Jesus (12.406, 413).1) Michael even metaphorically reassigns […]

Derek Wright – Re-representing African Identity: A Response

Re-representing African Identity: A Response Derek Wright Published in Connotations Vol. 8.1 (1998/99) Francis Ngaboh−Smart’s essay “Science and the Re−representation of African Identity in Major Gentl and the Achimota Wars” explores the effect of the electronic revolution on the African literary imagination through a searching analysis of Kojo Laing’s 1992 […]

Daniel F. Hurley – Joyce Carol Oates’s “By the River”

Joyce Carol Oates’s “By the River” Daniel F. Hurley Published in Connotations Vol. 8.1 (1998/99) Many of the enduring stories in western culture are etiological stories, stories about the beginnings of things. The Genesis story is such a story, purporting to explain, among other mysteries, the origins of death, sex, […]

James Soderholm – Surrender Dorothy: A Reply to Leona Toker

Surrender Dorothy: A Reply to Leona Toker James Soderholm Published in Connotations Vol. 8.1 (1998/99) Bewitching as the hermeneutics of suspicion has been, it’s unusual to see a literary critic resist its (highly marketable) charms and instead trust her ears, eyes, hands—her feel for the texture of nuance—and more generally […]

Christiane Lang-Graumann – Gerard Manley Hopkins Revisiting Binsey

Gerard Manley Hopkins Revisiting Binsey Christiane Lang-Graumann Published in Connotations Vol. 8.1 (1998/99) Binsey Poplars,    felled 1879, My aspens dear, whose airy cages quelled, Quelled or quenched in leaves the leaping sun, All felled, felled, are all felled;    Of a fresh and following folded rank    Not spared, not one    That […]