Archives: Articles

William Harmon – 1943

1943 William Harmon Published in Connotations Vol. 28 (2019) I read the book that says “1943” and am persuaded. Then I read a decapitating review that says “not 1943” and am confused. Then I read a denigrating reply to the review that says “1943” and am dismayed but reassured. A […]

Bircan Nizamoğlu – Revisiting the Aesopic Race in the Late Twentieth Century: New Facets of Speed in Vikram Seth’s “The Hare and The Tortoise”

Revisiting the Aesopic Race in the Late Twentieth Century: New Facets of Speed in Vikram Seth’s “The Hare and The Tortoise” Bircan Nizamoğlu Published in Connotations Vol. 28 (2019) Abstract Vikram Seth’s “The Hare and The Tortoise” (1991) is a comic rewriting of Aesop’s age-old fable. Seth answers the question […]

Carolin Hahnemann – More Context and Less: A Response to Lena Linne and Burkhard Niederhoff

More Context and Less: A Response to Lena Linne and Burkhard Niederhoff Carolin Hahnemann Published in Connotations Vol. 28 (2019) Abstract In her response to Lena Linne and Burkhard Niederhoff’s article on Alice Oswald’s poem “Memorial,” Carolin Hahnemann addresses how a wider understanding of recontextualization in relation to the poem’s […]

Chad Weidner, Rosi Braidotti and Goda Klumbyte – The Emergent Environmental Humanities: Engineering the Social Imaginary

The Emergent Environmental Humanities: Engineering the Social Imaginary Chad Weidner, Rosi Braidotti and Goda Klumbyte Published in Connotations Vol. 28 (2019) Abstract If the Environmental Humanities (EH) matter, an essential concern is whether we can speak of the possibility of a philosopher of literary and ecological identity. This paper discusses […]

Theresa M. DiPasquale – Ways of Reading Donne’s St. Paul’s Epitaph: Close, Comparative, Contextu[r]al, Concrete

Taking into account the epitaph as it appears in the twenty-first-century cathedral and as it appears in seventeenth-century illustrations of the original plaque, Theresa M. DiPasquale’s essay explicates both texts in some detail while also confronting issues of material culture raised in the work of Walter Benjamin and borne out in the author’s experience of St. Paul’s. The essay concludes with a blend of close-reading and affective response to the epitaph, to the famous marble statue that stands beneath it, and to Donne’s monument as a whole within its current architectural context.