Archives: Articles

Theresa M. DiPasquale – Ways of Reading Donne’s St. Paul’s Epitaph: Close, Comparative, Contextu[r]al, Concrete

Taking into account the epitaph as it appears in the twenty-first-century cathedral and as it appears in seventeenth-century illustrations of the original plaque, Theresa M. DiPasquale’s essay explicates both texts in some detail while also confronting issues of material culture raised in the work of Walter Benjamin and borne out in the author’s experience of St. Paul’s. The essay concludes with a blend of close-reading and affective response to the epitaph, to the famous marble statue that stands beneath it, and to Donne’s monument as a whole within its current architectural context.

Richard O’ Brien – Community and Conflict: A Practitioner’s Perspective on Verse Drama

Community and Conflict: A Practitioner’s Perspective on Verse Drama Richard O’ Brien Published in Connotations Vol. 27 (2018) Abstract When I started writing plays in iambic pentameter, my self-interrogations inevitably returned to questions of politics, ethics and power. There has undeniably been a historical association between verse drama and elitism. […]

Filippo Falcone – Irreconcilable (Dis)continuity: De Doctrina Christiana and Milton

Irreconcilable (Dis)Continuity: De Doctrina Christiana and Milton6) Filippo Falcone Published in Connotations Vol. 27 (2018) Abstract The vast majority of Milton scholars today holds to Milton’s authorship of the seventeenth-century Latin treatise of divinity known as De Doctrina Christiana. This conviction has hardly been shaken since the publication of Campbell, […]

Lena Linne und Burkhard Niederhoff – “[M]emories and similes laid side by side”: The Paratactic Poetics of Alice Oswald’s Memorial

“[M]emories and similes laid side by side”: The Paratactic Poetics of Alice Oswald’s Memorial57) Lena Linne and Burkhard Niederhoff Published in Connotations Vol. 27 (2018) Abstract Alice Oswald’s Memorial (2011) is an adaptation of the Iliad that leaves out the narrative passages and the speeches made by the characters. What […]

Matthias Bauer – Self-Imposed Fetters: The Productivity of Formal and Thematic Restrictions

Self-Imposed Fetters: The Productivity of Formal and Thematic Restrictions Matthias Bauer Published in Connotations Vol. 27 (2018) Abstract From July 30 to August 3, 2017, the 14th International Connotations Symposium took place at Mülheim an der Ruhr in Germany. Its topic, “Self-Imposed Fetters: The Productivity of Formal and Thematic Restrictions,” […]

Carl Plasa – “In Another Light”: New Intertexts for David Dabydeen’s “Turner”

“In Another Light”: New Intertexts for David Dabydeen’s “Turner” Carl Plasa Published in Connotations Vol. 26 (2016/17) Abstract As its “Preface” states, David Dabydeen’s “Turner” (1994) takes its inspiration from Joseph Mallord William Turner’s Slavers Throwing Overboard the Dead and Dying—Typhon Coming On (1840), more commonly known as The Slave […]

Jayne Thomas – Tennyson’s “Tithonus” and the Revision of Wordsworth’s “Tintern Abbey”

Tennyson’s “Tithonus” and the Revision of Wordsworth’s “Tintern Abbey” Jayne Thomas Published in Connotations Vol. 26 (2016/17) Abstract This article reexamines Wordsworth’s influence in Tennyson’s 1860 dramatic monologue, “Tithonus.” Tennyson’s poem sounds with well-tracked Wordsworthian echoes and allusions, many of which allude directly to “Tintern Abbey” (1798); critics have pointed […]