Tobias Kunz

Alan Rudrum

With great sadness, we have learnt that Alan Rudrum passed away on April 19, 2024. He was not only the doyen of Vaughan studies and a leading expert in seventeenth-century poetry and culture but also a founding member of Connotations and a member of our editorial board. We will miss […]

Judith H. Anderson (1940-2022)

Belatedly, but no less sadly, we would like to notify the readers of Connotations that Judith H. Anderson passed away last year, leaving a gap in our editorial board that we have felt acutely. In an article on Donne published in Connotations in 2018, she set out by wondering in […]

The Literary Advent Calendar 2021 is here

As is tradition at Connotations, we are once again happy to host the Literary Advent Calendar 2021 for the English department of Eberhard Karls University Tübingen. And what better way to prepare for the festive season of gift-giving than to turn to literature’s abundance of reflections on – or representations […]

July 2021: In Contemplation of Sheep – Celebrating 400 Years of The Countess of Montgomery’s Urania (1621)

by Sarah Briest As sheep roam the early summer meadows of Tübingen, creating idyllic pastoral tableaux on the slanting green hillsides, it is not incongruous to feel reminded of the setting of early modern pastoral romances. The imagination only has to supply a prince or two, in shepherd’s robes, striding […]