This file pool is the sharepoint for the conference materials (as authorized by the respective authors). The copyright for the presentations is held by the authors.
[wpdm_tag id=”dickens_general_info” title=”General Information” desc=”General information und useful miscellanies.” toolbar=”1″ order_by=”field name” order=”asc” item_per_page=”100″ template=”link-template-default” cols=1 colspad=1 colsphone=1]
[wpdm_tag id=”dickens_day_1″ title=”Day 1″ desc=”The presentations, handouts and other materials of day 1 of the “Dickens and Language” conference.” toolbar=”1″ order_by=”field name” order=”asc” item_per_page=”100″ template=”link-template-default” cols=1 colspad=1 colsphone=1]
[wpdm_tag id=”dickens_day_2″ title=”Day 2″ desc=”The presentations, handouts and other materials of day 2 of the “Dickens and Language” conference.” toolbar=”1″ order_by=”field name” order=”asc” item_per_page=”100″ template=”link-template-panel” cols=1 colspad=1 colsphone=1]
[wpdm_tag id=”dickens_day_2-2″ title=”Day 3″ desc=”The presentations, handouts and other materials of day 3 of the “Dickens and Language” conference.” toolbar=”1″ order_by=”field name” order=”asc” item_per_page=”100″ template=”link-template-panel” cols=1 colspad=1 colsphone=1]